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"Not scared of much, just love to live life"Mitch Butler


Live Life Passionately



These three words can accurately describe the way Mitch Butler lived everyday of his life on earth.  He saw the world as it should be and he did his part to bring humor, excitement, love, adventure, music, kindness, honesty, fun, and high-speed activity to life. 

Mitch freely shared his faith of Jesus Christ and the truth of creation to those around him.  We know that Mitch is now truly living life in paradise and, because of our shared faith, we find our comfort in knowing we will be together forever in Heaven with him.

     We miss you dearly Mitch and our lives will never be the same without you here.



May we always remember:

*your big, beautiful smile that showed the world the joy and happiness you had inside 
  your heart

*the love in your heart for those who were mistreated and misunderstood

*your crazy sense of humor and ability to make us all laugh and take life less seriously

*your intolerance for meanness and cruelty

*your love of animals

*the pure beauty and grace of your run and how you literally floated on air at times

*your natural athletic abilities and the dedication you had to your teammates

*your willingness to help those in need and knowing you were always there to listen to 

  our troubles and offer encouragement

*that how one life can affect so many people


Help us to live our lives to inspire and build up everyone we meet.



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This memorial website was created to remember our friend and beloved Mitchell Butler who was born on

May 4, 1994 and passed away on October 5, 2008.  You will live forever in our memories and hearts.


Mitch is the cherished son of Doug and Amy Butler (Redford, MI) and forever loved brother of Andrew and Devin.

He is survived by his grandparents Janet and the late Robert Butler (formerly of Parchment, MI), and Kenneth and Nancy Federspiel (Wheeler. MI). His numerous aunt/uncles and their families include: Michael Federspiel (Midland, MI), Linda Chappell (Parchment, MI),  David Butler (Parchment, MI)  Carol Brock (Orlando, FL), Bruce Butler (Cincinatti, OH), Denise Butler-Sharp (Eugene, OR), Jim Butler (Estero, FL), Chris Butler (Eugene, OR), and Nancy Butler (Chicago, IL).


Mitchell was an upbeat, caring young man who loved his friends and the time he spent with them.  He will be remembered as a bundle of energy who loved snowboarding, fishing, wakeboarding, skateboarding, video games and animals (raising and hunting them). A talented and enthusiastic athlete, Mitchell enjoyed running and he especially excelled in soccer which he played for the Redford and Livonia City Soccer Clubs and Redford Union High School. In addition to athletics, Mitchell was also very involved at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church where he was recently confirmed and played drums in the Praise Band. His belief in God was an important part of who he was and he was not shy about letting people know it.


Mitchell's life ended tragically when he was struck by a car while riding his bicycle to referee a youth soccer game.  Please practice good bicycle safety practices and all drivers, please, please, always double check for bicycles and pedestrians while you are behind the wheel. 


Per Mitch's wishes, he was a Gift of Life organ donor and now five people will live because of Mitch.  Successful transplants were made of his lungs, left and right kidneys, liver, and heart valves.


The link to additional comments/condolences:  just type in Mitch Butler and follow the prompts.



Latest Memories
Teri Life October 5, 2015
All I can say right now, is thank you.
Nobody has known until today what you did for me and I am forever thankful. You saved my life. I was contemplating suicide for the first time and you made sure that didn't happen. The words you spoke to me, speak to me every day. All I can say is thank you. 
Kelly Gilmore

I took this out of my scrap book,  I remember this weekend like it was yesturday!  We were down at Lynda's swamp, and Mitch wanted to ride Corey's four wheeler.  This is when he was a little squirt.  So Corey took him for a crazy ride, & he loved it!  He was Corey's little shadow that weekend, & Corey thought he was the coolest kid ever.  He actually told me that weekend he wants a son like that some day!  Now he has 3 boys of his own.  Mitch was a great, cool, kind, fun, energetic, & sweet boy!  I honestly new I wanted a son like him also.  I only hope my 3 boys turn out as good as he did!  :O)  Mitchell is very missed I think about him all the time.  You will always live on in our hearts!

I didn't know Mitchell all that well, but I went to school with Andrew for 3 years. My brother came in as a freshmen when I was a senior, and he was having a hard time adjusting to school and fitting in. Mitchell was one of the few kids who talked to my brother, and showed friendship towards him. I also remember going to a few of the soccer games, and seeing the natural talent he possessed. From everything I heard and saw, Mitchell was one of the kindest, happiest, most generous people whom I have come across, and his memory will live on forever in the hearts of those who had the priviledge of ever coming in contact with him.
Allie Levinson
I love(d) Mitchell, with everything I have; I'm sure many do. I guess I just didn't realize how much, until we lost him. He was a great person inside and out. It still doesn't seem real to me that I'll never get to see his sparkling eyes, or gorgeous smile. I'm gonna miss those perfect teeth of yours Mitchell, I love you.
Tim Back
I really didn't know Mitch all to well. I just met him at the beginning of the school year. He was the most fun filled person you will ever meet in your entire life. Losing him was like losing one of my best friends. I'll never forget him as long as I live. Rest In Peace buddy.
Latest Condolences
Kim Wickersham late condolences April 11, 2018
I din't know Mitch, or his family, but I know the father of the boy who received Mitch's liver.  He wrote a touching tribute today on Facebook, so I began researching. I just wanted to send along my condolences, my thoughts and prayers. These are beautiful tributes to your boy. I will hold you in my hearts.
A My Heart Goes out to you June 20, 2011
I went to school with Mitch but we really never spoke to each other just mostly " Hey how your doing". when i heard he passed away i couldnt breath just the thought of him dieing when i just saw him days ago killed me. It Scared me, Death scared me, i Didnt go to  his memorial during the soccer game because i was being selfish  and every day since then i have regret not going  because i should of been their giving his family my blessing.. i just hope you  all will forgive even though it has been 3 years. I outta anyone knows how it feels to lose someone who you would die for so it was very selfish of me not to come,  i know my condolences are late and probalay wont matter at this point but i just wanted to let you all know.  You've all been in My heart and in my prayers every since that horrible day.

R.I.P Mitchell Kenneth Butler... Your Soul now lives with the angels but  Legacy will live forever. Your smile and all around great heart, Shined Light  even in the darkness place and althought your no longer with us, That Light still shines from  the gates of Heaven
Mr. B. Mitchell April 1, 2010
I only met Mitch once, but still find myself thinking about him and his family almost every day.  My love and thoughts are with them always.  
kayla rip October 28, 2009
i didn't know him really well, but i can tell he was a great kid. you will always be in my prayers
micael defrain friend July 15, 2009

I loved hanging out with mitch i used to skate with him all the time and i'll never forget all of the fun times we had, I loved him like a brother and i'll never forget him.R.I.P. mitch.

Quick Gallery
14th B'day with Kaine and Will. Best trio ever Jumping into the Heavens Thanks Brittany :) Mitch 16 his special friend--Nick Mitch's last photo (and with his JoJo) Hunting Mitch 11 Silly Boy :) with Kaine at the farm